Venturing in to new territory!
Summer will soon be here, and Turn the Page Uganda has been steadily working through their long list of schools all year long to help supply $500.00 worth of Ugandan State curriculum to schools in the north of Uganda that are in dire need. Recently we were able to send the following schools their brand new books in the Soroti area: Angica Primary School, Alito Primary School, Nakatunya Primary School, Amen Primary School, Libera Girls'Secondary School, and Soroti Central Secondary School. To put it in human terms, we are helping 2,694 kids to have access to new curriculum and have a better chance at improving their lives. It is always an exciting day at school when the books arrive! This summer we plan to be moving to the Arua area to help schools that have been on our wait list for a long time! This is an entirely new area of Uganda for our non-profit, but one of our Rotarians has alerted us to the great need there, so we are eager to help.

Books should be arriving by bus this week to one of my favorite locations. Busia Uganda is located on the eastern border of Uganda, near Kenya. The schools we are helping are among the most desperate that I have encountered on my travels throughout the region. Situated in the middle of sugarcane and corn plantations, the children's parents struggle to find the funds to buy uniforms and pay for school. Teachers are paid next to nothing, but still work hard to see their students succeed. Take a look at the construction of the walls and I think you will agree with me- this is sure different than the U.S. In Busia we are helping over 1,621 children to have access to books for the very first time. We are partnering with Helping Hands Missions out of Georgia. who have done an amazing job in assisting these schools so far with feeding programs, latrine systems, uniform assistance, and educational assistance.
Books should be arriving by bus this week to one of my favorite locations. Busia Uganda is located on the eastern border of Uganda, near Kenya. The schools we are helping are among the most desperate that I have encountered on my travels throughout the region. Situated in the middle of sugarcane and corn plantations, the children's parents struggle to find the funds to buy uniforms and pay for school. Teachers are paid next to nothing, but still work hard to see their students succeed. Take a look at the construction of the walls and I think you will agree with me- this is sure different than the U.S. In Busia we are helping over 1,621 children to have access to books for the very first time. We are partnering with Helping Hands Missions out of Georgia. who have done an amazing job in assisting these schools so far with feeding programs, latrine systems, uniform assistance, and educational assistance.